
An article about my work in Alma Mater Newspaper in Bulgaria

Alma Mater Newspaper in Sophia, Bulgaria just published an article about me and my work.
I've just received this photo and PDF file of the article text.
If someone wants to read it, please get in touch with me. I'll send to you the PDF file. It is in Bulgarian language.
Thanks a lot to the Journalist Nyia Manolova for the interest in my work!
Also Thanks a lot to Dr. Albena Jordanova from the Medical department 'Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physiology and Pathophysiology' for the lovely words about my work!

Alma Mater Newspaper in Sophia, Bulgaria just published an article about me and my work. I've just received this photo and PDF of the article text. If someone wants to read it, please get in touch with me. I'll send you the PDF file. It is in Bulgarian language. Thanks a lot to the Journalist Nyia Manolova for the interest in my work! Also Thanks a lot to Dr. Albena Jordanova from the Medical department 'Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physiology and Pathophysiology' for the lovely words about my work!